Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pinewood Derby & Life

Local Pinewood Derby - Ian took 2nd place overall. His car was designed after K.I.T.T. in the 1980's show Knight Rider.

One of Ian's races

Final race! Logan Ringo vs. Ian Wright

The first, second and third places got to advance to District Pinewood Derby. There were 108 cars racing. Ian tied for 36th place. Way to go buddy! Above is one of his races. He took first place in this race.

Chris has gone back to school online to get his Bachelor's Degree, is the Ward Clerk, works two jobs, and still manages to make time to be a great husband and father. Becky is an Activity Day Leader and busy mother (enough said). Ellayna just celebrated her 10th birthday. She has an interest in cooking and has made some yummy treats and delicious dinners. Ian is LOVING scouts and is about half way to earning his Wolf. Tia is our socialite and loves her friends at school and church. She has also become a very good reader. She lost both of her front teeth a day apart from each other and for a day had a cyclops tooth. Brayden is done potty training (during the day) and does a great job! He has a favorite push bike that he's had for a long time and it's dying. I just hope it lasts long enough for him to get tired of it and "break-up" with it before it "breaks-up" with him. Isaac just turned one and loves the new found freedom that comes with walking.