I'm writing this for myself so that I can remember that one day I got something accomplished. I trimmed the roses, straightened and swept the garage, vacuumed the van (It really needed it!), and it's only mid-day.
I've had a hard time getting anything done lately because I've changed religions and started praying to the Porcelain God sometimes 200 times a day. I am also acquiring a large growth in my abdomen. I've been seeing the Doctor regularly and he's discovered my growth has a heartbeat. Yes, we're pregnant again. I'm due on my birthday, April 21. I'm finally over my morning sickness and glad to be back to work in the yard and house.
Not much else to tell. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut but I think life is finally back to normal: taking kids to school, homework, "What do we have for dinner?", Family Home Evening, 3 callings for me and 1 for Chris, Christmas shopping, Dr. Appointments, etc.
Life has been so much sweeter lately for me. Even though my tumor wasn't fatal it wasn't fun and I spent some miserable weeks not being able to do the things I love or the things that I don't love doing but do them because I love my family. I cherished my family before, but now I have a deeper burning in my heart while I do those simple day to day things for my husband and children. I've been so happy to be able to wash poop-streaked underwear and oatmeal out of the carpet and shoe marks off the walls and wash soiled bedding when the kids don't make it to the toilet in the night, and the molding Tupperware that are always found in the furthest corner of the refrigerator, etc. I love being healthy and able to work and I'm glad God gave me a reason to love doing it.